
I am a Ph.D. student at University of Southern California, working on understanding and modeling how flow physics has shaped the biological and ecological functions of cilia and ciliated systems. Using analytical and computational methods, I develop mathematical models for ciliary motion and surrounding fluid flow, and analyze how cilia-driven fluid dictate feeding performance of microorganisms and their impacts on surrounding dissolved nutrient distribution. I am interested in diffusion process, and emergent phenomena driven by active matter in living system. In a broader perspective, I am interested in natural pattern formation and evolution in the present of randomness.

Modeling: Flow Physics in living system

Takeaways on impact of flow physics

  • Flow physics plays an important role in morphological evolution of unicellular ciliated eukaryotes.
  • Adaptive feeding strategies in ciliated microorganisms: optimal cilia motion depends on Péclet number.

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Adaptive Motion Strategy:  Swimming ciliate chases and absorbs a food blob:  1. Always swim. 2. Swim, then stay.

Defensive wave of Honeybees

Notes on other interests

First passage problem

DIY Labs: Aerodynamics performance testing

Home made wind tunnel: plastic showcase, black T-shirt, battery, computer fan, GoPro, humidifier, car models

Car models: Porsche 911 GT3 RS, Lamborghini Aventado ( scale 1:18). 

PIV analysis: Matlab

Conclusion: At low speeds, the Aventador outperforms the 911 GT3 RS, making it a better choice for those navigating daily traffic congestion in downtown LA or New York City. However, further analysis is needed to assess fuel efficiency.